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and other characteristics. And you’ll find that wines are alive the same year, brand, varietal, color or family. Wine-tasting
and change with age — for better or worse. notes are usually provided for each wine. This gives you op-
portunity to compare the characteristics of several wines side-
So how do you get started? by-side.
There are a number of ways to educate your palate, and the Try tasting each wine before reading the tasting notes, to see
great thing is that they’re all fun! For the most part wine tast- if you can discern flavors, viscosity, color, acidity and how
ing isn’t a solo sport. However, there are times when a fine your palate reacts to them. Then read the notes to see if you
glass of wine and a bit of reflective time with yourself can be agree with them, and try each wine again to try to find the
quite satisfying. That said, a great deal of enjoyment in ed- characteristics mentioned in the tasting notes.
ucating your palate is doing
so with family, friends or per- Many wine bars, wine retail-
haps strangers who want to be ers, and restaurants frequently
friends. have wine education and tasting
events. This is not only a wonder-
Start your education by read- ful way to learn about wines, but
ing about wine just as you’re away to make new wine enthusi-
doing right now — the fact ast friends as well. Most of these
that you made it this far is a establishments have mailing and
good sign. The Internet is a e-mail lists that will keep you up-
good place to start. There are to-date about upcoming events.
more wine blogs and sites on
the Internet than anyone can Perhaps one of the most fun
imagine. A Google search for ways to learn about wines is to go
wine information produced to wine and food events featur-
807,000,000 results. ing dozens, if not thousands, of
wines to taste. There are obvious
There are many online wine hazards to these kinds of events,
affinity groups that provide a so spitting and dumping is en-
network of like-minded folk couraged. Wear a hat and have
and a wealth of information. plenty of sunscreen if its out-
For a good start go to the doors. Have a designated driver if
website of our wine columnist you just can’t spit. And perhaps
Robert Whitley. He has a ton most important, do not bid on
of wine reviews and columns, silent auctions after you’ve been
as well as several links to oth- educating your palate for four
er great wine sites: www.whit- hours.
These tips should get you started
Reading is great, but nothing and once you do, you’ll realize
beats the real thing. So head there’s a lot more to learn. That’s
down to one of those wine bars the great thing about being a
we talked about. Find one that wine lover — it’s a fascinating,
makes you feel comfortable. life-long learning process — and
Tell the server or bartender that you get the benefits of a nice
you’re kind of new to the game buzz now and then. So remem-
and want to learn about wines. ber, don’t ever worry or feel em-
If they are pros, they’ll take barrassed about the wines you
the time to help you get start- like. Your palate’s opinion of
ed. Ask them for wines that are your favorite wines is as valid as
true examples of the varietals anyone’s — including wine blow
or blends and pick their brain hards and snobs. So, If that wine
about the characteristics. snob next to you smirks and
rolls his eyes next time you order
Many wine bars offer flights of your favorite, tell him to stick his
wine. Flights are usually small barnyard-tinged Bordeaux where
glasses of four to eight wines the sun don’t shine. It’s OK to do
grouped for one reason or an- that — you’re a wine enthusiast.
other. They could be wines of
Wine Dine & Travel Winter 2015 49