Page 118 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 118


                             he visit to the Nubian village on   the Nile. A little breeze off the river kept
                             Seheil Island in the middle of the   us fairly comfortable.  Several Egyptian
                      TNile wasn’t part of the tour pack-    feluccas, traditional wooden sailing boats,
                      age. The small additional fee would be   were taking guests for leisurely sails to
                      shared by Memphis Tours with the village   fascinating destinations along the Nile
                      for improvements. All of the Pharaohs,   here, including Elephantine Island, notable
                      except Mary who needed a respite from   for its palm tree plantations, villages with
                      the heat, signed up.                   colorful mud-brick houses, four-star ho-
                        Mohamed led us off the ship and      tels and the ruins of Abu, Aswan’s most
                      across the decks of a maze of small boats   ancient settlement.
                      tethered together to our brightly deco-  Further down the Nile, we passed ver-
                      rated boat that thankfully outfitted with   dant Kitchener Island, home to Egyptian
                      padded cushions on its wooden benches.   Army General consul, Lord Horatio Kitch-
                      Surprisingly, this boat ride would take   ener, who brought back rare plants from
                      us through a most beautiful section of   Asia and Africa.  His growing grounds

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