Page 182 - WDT Magazine Egypt
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The property today is still widely known for its according to some history shared by Ojai Valley Inn.
magnificent golf course set in the verdant valley that is “This energy that first drew the Chumash to the val-
virtually surrounded by the 5,000-foot-high Topatopa ley has been celebrated through the years and many
Mountains to the north and the 3,000-foot-high Sul- believe today that Ojai is a ‘vortex’ — an unseen force
phur Mountain to the south, all covered in majestic oak that concentrates energy.” Some think this vortex is
trees. owed to the valley’s unusual east-west positioning
After just one afternoon there, I felt so relaxed and while others say the stratified mountain rocks are inlaid
rejuvenated, I actually asked some locals if we were, in with quartz that harnesses energy, transmitting good
fact, in a vortex. vibrations.
I wish I could have asked some local Chumash Frank Capra used aerial shots of Ojai Valley to depict
natives, for their ancestors settled Ojai Valley more Shangri-La in his 1937 film, “Lost Horizon,” starring
than 10,000 years ago and believed “the valley holds Ronald Coleman and Jane Wyatt. Hollywood celebrities
mystical powers and that a magnification of energy and the rest of us have flocked to this valley and its
exists exuding a peaceful sacredness that can be felt,” iconic inn ever since.
A “curated living” store in down- An arbor of lemons at Lotusland
town Ojai, is a feast for the eyes