Page 20 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 20
““Cairo is in a state of becoming… We
just don’t know what it’s becoming yet.”
~ Daniel Joseph Monti
Like most of our Boomer genera- off limits because of terrorism, including
tion, we gleaned bits of Egypt’s the Sinai Peninsula, the Western Desert,
story from elementary school and and Egyptian border military zones. It
old horror movies. We learned also warns of potential attacks, targeting
about the Nile and the Fertile tourist locations, transportation hubs,
Crescent, pyramids and the Sphinx, and markets – incidents that could hap-
strange writing called hieroglyphics, pen anywhere in the world these days.
and few characters like King Tut, After talking with many travelers who
Cleopatra, and the mummy. Egypt was the definition of have recently visited Egypt and communicating with
exotic, romantic adventure. a highly rated Egyptian tour company, the prospect of
Unfortunately, like us, many travelers put off visiting an amazing adventure outweighed the potential for
Egypt because of civil disorder there. For several years danger. Some visitors who loved their experience there
the country has been among countries on the U.S. also warned us to be prepared scams, aggressive ped-
State Department’s increased caution list. At the time dlers, traffic congestion and pollution. We thought we
of this writing, Egypt has a level 2 warning, with level were ready, but we weren’t. You only really know Egypt
four being the riskiest. The warning puts certain area by being there.
Egyptian shopkeepers waiting for custom-
ers returning to the Nile River cruise ship.