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vorite was a calamari and vegetable dish          with lesser-known, off-the-beaten-path lo-
            cooked to perfection in minutes and served        cations. Some journeys feature non-con-
            with a flourish by the chef.                      ventional arrival and departure times
               Laura enjoyed lessons learned during a         combined with overnight stays, so guests
            three-hour Chef’s Kitchen on Deck 11 with         have the opportunity to immerse them-
            one of the chefs, a good showman and              selves deeply in each port of call. Austin,
            artist with all things culinary. They followed    the president, said this approach aligns
            the chef through steps to create dishes           with the growing trend in luxury travel to-
            from two Italian recipes and enjoyed it all       ward more meaningful, immersive experi-
            with ocean views.                                 ences.

                         Cafes and Lounges                                Immersive Itineraries

               The Crema Café on Deck 5 is open from              Explora Journeys operates over 100
            6:30 a.m. until late evening for coffee, tea,     unique itineraries across its fleet, including
            and pastry lovers. The European-style café        multiple regions: Mediterranean (Italy,
            is a great spot to relax with a cup of coffee     Greece, Croatia); Caribbean (St. Barts, An-
            or tea and snack, watch the flow of guests,       tigua, Bahamas); Northern Europe (Norway,
            and catch up on email. The Explora Lounge,        Iceland, Greenland); South America (Brazilian
            astern on Deck 11, is another informal, re-       Amazon, Panama Canal); Middle East & In-
            laxing venue with 270° ocean views. It of-        dian Ocean (Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Mal-
            fers light meals, snacks, and traditional         dives); and Alaska (Glacier Bay, Inside
            afternoon tea with a fine selection of pas-       Passage).
            tries, something we enjoyed daily. Also on            Shore excursions, which Explora calls
            Deck 11 is the Gelateria & Creperie at The        "Destination Experiences," are not included in
            Conservatory, where French and Italian in-        the cruise fare. These experiences range
            dulgences can be enjoyed in a relaxed,            from around 85 to 200 Euros per person and
            weather-protected area near the pool.             must be purchased separately.
               For those who appreciate fine spirits,             Their literature pitches the opportunity to
            the Malt Whiskey Bar on Deck 11 offers rare       explore ancient ruins with expert guides,
            whiskies, a walk-in humidor, and a cigar ex-      sample local delicacies in hidden trattorias,
            pert for guidance. The Astern Lounge on 5         hike through breathtaking landscapes, or re-
            serves as the casual social hub of the jour-      lax and soak in the atmosphere. Onboard
            ney, hosting live music, DJ sessions, and         destination experts provide insider knowl-
            enrichment programs. The Lobby Bar on             edge, while thoughtfully curated shore excur-
            Deck 4 is a central gathering spot with           sions invite travelers to engage with local
            comfortable seats, a stairway to Deck 5,          cultures, cuisines, and traditions.
            and aceiling open up to Deck 6. It has                We applaud their mission and the initial
            nightly entertainment from 4:45 p.m. to 5:30      successes with Explora I and II. Explora Jour-
            p.m. and 9 to 11:15 p.m.                          neys will appeal to travelers seeking a new
               We chatted with several hosts about            level of casual luxury at sea, combining the
            destinations. They said Explora Journeys          comfort of a high-end resort with the adven-
            also tries to set itself apart in its approach    ture of global exploration and the level of
            to destinations. The smaller ships let the        service found at Five-Star hotels. We enjoyed
            Explora experts plan itineraries that take        the experience and plan to try one of their
            the ships into pristine areas beyond the ca-      more immersive itineraries, cruising among
            pabilities of vessels with 1,000 rooms and        smaller ports, sometime soon.
            more. They work to blend the most popular

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