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ing short of breathtaking.                         cruising fosters its own special community.
               Life on the ship was anything but dull.        Among our fellow adventurers were six
           We embraced the luxury of afternoon naps,          other Grand Voyagers —Samantha, Diana,
           the cozy charm of our stateroom, and the           Graham, Jenny, and Chris from Australia,
           soothing rhythm of the sea. New friend-            and Sandy from Boston. Thanks to the ex-
           ships blossomed as we shared in the joys of        ceptional hospitality of the ship’s officers,
           shipboard life, from gourmet dining to             we shared celebratory feasts at the start of
           trivia competitions to impromptu sunset            each of the cruise’s five legs. Before long,
           gatherings on deck. As we looked ahead to          we became our own little seafaring family,
           the second half of our journey, excitement         bound by the adventure of a lifetime.
           built for the adventures awaiting us along             So sit back, pour yourself a glass of
           the west coast and tip of Africa—including         wine, and come along as we share the hid-
           a safari and visits to new ports and natural       den gems, exhilarating adventures, and
           wonders.                                           heartwarming moments that made this
               We quickly realized that “long-haul”           voyage truly unforgettable.

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