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notes, short riffs, chords. When my solo ends, some  rocky peninsula jutting out into the ocean. What a
            of the band members smile at me. To an amateur     perfect time warp.
            musician, that’s the best applause one could possi-    A few hours later we arrive in Mahone Bay, an-
            bly receive. Later, when I return to my room at the  other picturesque village that is holding its annual
            Westin Nova Scotian, I stand at the window, still in  Scarecrow Festival. Hand-made life-size cloth
            a happy trance. The cruise ship lights are strung out  scarecrows are in front of every shop, dressed in
            like glittering diamond necklaces.                 real clothing, each looking vaguely familiar. On one
               Normally, it takes two and one-half hours to    lawn is Dorothy in her ruby red slippers, the Tin
            drive to Digby from Halifax, but we’re making stops  Man, Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow and Glenda the
            all along the way including Peggy's Cove, a perfect  Good Witch. The scarecrow band, KISS, complete
            storybook fisherman’s village where lobster traps  with face make-up, stands in front of a music store.
            and buoys and rusty anchors are stacked on shore.  Other scarecrow musicians sit at outdoor benches
            Brightly painted cottages dot the hillside and fish-  holding real guitars. We have lunch outdoors along
            ing boats of every color bob in the cove, At the top  with a man and woman scarecrow at a cute bistro
            of the hill is an iconic red and white lighthouse on a  before heading onward to Digby.

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