P. 26

who helped define modern Jazz. Now Ray Jr. is con-
           sidered one of great jazz vocalist of our generation.
             We began cruising to see a lot of the world in short
           order in comfort and style. Admittedly you can’t fully
           explore a city or country in a one or two-day port
           stop. But, we’ve found that you get a taste of a place
           relatively quickly and know if you want to return for a
           more extended stay. In the last few years, we’ve been
           combining a one or two-week land tour to along with a
           cruise. This trip is an excellent example of that style -
           the best of both travel worlds.
             Our first port stop on this trip was St. Peter Port on
           the Island of Guernsey, known to most Americans for
           its cows, and the setting for the marvelous book, “The
           Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society,” a fic-
           tional account of the area’s World War II traumas. The
           island has more than its share of natural beauty and
           fascinating history, but we’ll save that for another story.

                                                              Ray Brown Jr. and his trio wows
                                                              the passengers with classic jazz.
                                                              Left: Passengers line the rails of
                                                              three decks to see and hear one
                                                              of the ship’s regular entertainers.
                                                              Right: The Silhouette anchored
                                                              off of St. Peter Port, our next stop
                                                              would be Ireland.

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