P. 39

Our guide tour lasted 30 minutes after which we ex-  scarred this port and its people. The Lusitania was
           plored the exhibition area where we interacted with an   sunk in 1915 off the Cork coast by German U-boat tor-
           interactive audio-visual presentation that explained the   pedo -- 1,198 passengers perished. Cobh was trauma
           events leading up to                                                          and heartbreak
           sinking. And finally,                                                         central as the dead,
           we learned that both                                                          survivors and grief-
           of the passengers                                                             stricken families ar-
           printed on our board-                                                         rived in the small port.
           ing cards survived                                                            169 of the 298 dead
           the disaster. What                                                            were buried in the Old
           made this Titanic                                                             Church Cemetery just
           experience a most                                                             outside the town in
           remarkable one, was                                                           three mass graves.
           that we were walking                                                            It was a most
           in the same build-                                                            strange feeling as we
           ing and walked the same town as the 123 passengers   walked down the beautiful promenade at the water’s
           who boarded the Titanic in Queensland.            edge. Cobh, despite its association with two of the
             On our way back to the ship we walked through the   most well, know maritime disasters in history is now a
           small but beautiful Kennedy Park, named after John   genuinely energetic, and happy place filled with music
           Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. We also stopped and  and charm.
           reflected at the Lusitania, another local disaster that

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