P. 58

The pub was more massive than it looked from the   off a plane from Australia a few hours ago.”
            modest streetside entrance. It was packed,  so we opted   On the ship, when we talked about what sights to
            for two stools near the end of the very long mahogany   see in Dublin, most of our new friends mentioned the
            bar. The décor was quin-                                                    Book of Kells. I’m sorry,
            tessential Irish Pub, com-                                                  but I’ve never heard of it
            plete with dart boards.                                                     … perhaps it was a new
            Our friendly bartender                                                      Irish play something like
            suggested a pale ale on                                                     the irreverent “Book of
            tap, which I appreciated                                                    Mormon.” As it turned
            since I ’m not a fan of                                                     out, they were talking
            thick dark bitter beer.                                                     about some very rare
              We enjoyed some out-                                                      illuminated manuscripts
            standing fish and chips                                                     housed in the incredible
            and conversation with an amiable couple, speaking in   Trinity College library.  We also found out that it’s best to
            what I thought was an unusual Irish accent. As we got   get tickets to the exhibit online, or you may have a long
            up to leave, I asked them for the directions to Trinity Col-  wait in line outside, taking your chances with Dublin’s
            lege. “Sorry, we don’t know,” was the reply. “We just got   wet weather.

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