Page 4 - WDT Winter 2018 japan
P. 4

           EDITOR’S NOTE


                                                                                                                                         Ron & Mary James

                                                                                                                                   EXECUTIVE EDITOR /ART DIRECTOR

                                                                                                                                            Ron James

                                      Travel Industry Heroes                                                                                Mary James

                    e want to begin 2018 on a positive note and wish   to rebook a flight for us. The female desk clerk in Kyoto who
                                                                                                                                          STAFF WRITERS
                    all of our readers a happy, prosperous and travel-  hailed a cab for us while standing on a street corner in the
            Wfilled New Year. In these times of political division,   pouring rain.                                                        Alison DaRosa
            natural disasters and world turmoil, happiness and prosperity
            are not slam-dunk propositions.                    Our appreciation goes out to new friends from Slovenia - Na-                Priscilla Lister
                                                               tasa from the Slovenian Tourist Board who planned our most
            For many, travel helps                                                           memorable trip and Jani,                       John Muncie
            us cope with the                                                                 our outstanding guide
            constant drip of stress-                                                         and driver who went                             Jody Jaffe
            inducing news. The                                                               out of his way to make
            experience of travel                                                             the journey safe and
            takes our minds off our                                                          enjoyable.
                                                                                                                                           Robert Whitley
            problems at least as we
            plan and venture out on                                                          We salute those thou-                         Susan McBeth
            our next adventure. The                                                          sands of volunteers
            kindness of strangers                                                            throughout our travels                      FEATURE WRITERS
            as we move around the                                                            who have greeted and
            planet is a tonic for our                                                        guided us through their                    Sharon Whitley Larsen
            spirits.                                                                         towns, introducing us to
                                                                                             their culture and food.                        Carl Larsen
            Travelers discover that                                                          The bands and danc-
            kindness and gener-                                                              ers that welcomed us                          Maribeth Mellin
            osity are inherent in                                                            at cruise ports around
            people around the world – it’s in our human DNA. Perfect   the world with toe-tapping medleys that warmed our hearts.        Amy Laughinghouse
            strangers come to the aid of travelers in need, sometimes   The visitor information volunteers who rescued us on street        Judy Garrison
            in profound and unexpected ways. The travel industry is not   corners when we were hopelessly lost. These are travel’s true
            immune from greed and callousness, as we all know. But we   angels.                                                             Stacy Taylor
            also have encountered heroes in the trenches that reaffirm
            our faith in humanity.                             Here’s to our heroes - the caring people who take a whole lot               Wibke Carter
                                                               of stress out of our adventures far away from home.
            There are the hotel staffers who take care of us when Ron                                                                     Margie Goldsmith
            got sick in Rome. The tour guide in Varanasi, India, who   Cheers for them, our great travel writers and our loyal read-
            insisted on taking us to his home so his son could meet   ers. Happy travels in the new year everyone!                         Michael Burge
            someone from America – and then served as a small feast.
                                                                        Ron & Mary James                                             James G. Elliott Co., Inc. Agency
            An airline ticket agent who helped us during her break time                                                                 ADVERTISING SALES

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