Page 41 - WDT Winter 2018 japan
P. 41
300 BC Jomon Era 1333 The Kamakura bakufu falls. 1688-1703 Genroku era: popular culture flour-
The early Japanese were gatherers, hunters 1338-1573 Muromachi Era ishes.
and fishers. 1334 Kemmu restoration: the emperor restores 1792 The Russians unsuccessfuly try to estab-
300 BC-250 Yayoi Era power over Japan. lish trade relations with Japan.
The introduction of rice agriculture begins the 1336 Ashikaga Takauji captures Kyoto. 1854 Commodore Matthew Perry forces the
development of a social hierarchy and hun- 1337 The emperor flees and establishes the Japanese government to open a limited num-
dreds of small countries that started to unify Southern court in Yoshino. ber of ports for trade.
into larger countries. 1338 Takauji establishes the Muromachi 1868-1912 Meiji Era
250-538 Kofun Era government and a second emperor in Kyoto 1868 Meiji restoration.
Japan is for the first time more or less united. (Northern court). 1872 First railway line between Tokyo and
Large tombs (kofun) were built for the de- 1392 Unification of the Southern and Northern Yokohama.
ceased leaders. courts. 1889 The Meiji Constitution is promulgated.
538-710 Asuka Era 1467-1477 Onin war. 1894-95 Sino-Japanese War.
538/552 Introduction of Buddhism. 1542 Portuguese introduce firearms and Chris- 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War.
604 Prince Shotoku's Constitution of seven- tianity to Japan. 1910 Annexation of Korea.
teen articles is promulgated. 1568 Nobunaga enters Kyoto. 1912 Death of emperor Meiji.
645 The Taika reform is introduced. The Fuji- 1573 The Muromachi Bakufu falls. 1912-1926 Taisho Era
wara era starts. Momoyama Era 1914-18 Japan joins allied forces in WW1.
710-784 Nara Era 1575 The Takeda clan is defeated in the battle 1923 The Great Kanto Earthquake devastates
710 Nara becomes the first permanent capital. of Nagashino. Tokyo and Yokohama.
784 The capital moves to Nagaoka. 1582 Nobunaga is murdered and succeeded 1926-1989 Showa Era
794-1185 Heian Era by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. 1931 Manchurian Incident.
794 The capital moves to Heian (Kyoto). 1588 Hideyoshi confiscates the weapons of 1937 Second Sino-Japanese War starts.
1016 Fujiwara Michinaga becomes regent. farmers and religious institutions in the "Sword 1941 Pacific War starts.
1159 The Taira clan under Taira Kiyomori takes Hunt". 1945 Japan surrenders after two atomic bombs
over the power after the Heiji war. 1590 Japan is reunited after the fall of Odawara are dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
1175 The Buddhist Jodo sect (Pure land sect) is (Hojo). 1946 The new constitution is promulgated.
introduced. 1592-98 Unsuccessful invasion of Korea. 1952 The Allied Occupation of Japan ends.
1180-85 In the Gempei War, the Minamoto clan 1598 Death of Hideyoshi. 1956 Japan becomes member of the UN.
puts an end to Taira supremacy. 1600 Tokugawa Ieyasu defeats his rivals in the 1972 Normalization of relations to China.
1192-1333 Kamakura Era battle of Sekigahara. 1973 Oil crisis.
1191 The Zen sect is introduced. 1603 - 1867 Edo Era 1993 The LDP loses its majority in the diet.
1192 Minamoto Yoritomo is appointed shogun 1603 Ieyasu is appointed shogun and es- 1995 The Great Hanshin Earthquake hits Kobe.
and establishes the Kamakura government. tablishes the Tokugawa government in Edo Sarin Gas attack in the Tokyo subway by AUM
1221 The Jokyu Disturbance ends a struggle (Tokyo). sect.
between Kamakura and Kyoto resulting in the 1614 Ieyasu intensifies persecution of Christi- 2009 The Democratic Party of Japan becomes
supremacy of the Hojo regents in Kamakura. anity. the ruling party.
1232 A legal code, the Joei Shikimoku, is 1615 The Toyotomi clan is destroyed after 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
promulgated. Ieyasu captures Osaka Castle.
1274 and 1281 The Mongols try to invade Japan 1639 Almost complete isolation of Japan from History timeline courtesy
twice, but fail mainly because of bad weather the rest of the world.