Page 50 - WDT Winter 2018 japan
P. 50
apan is a shopper’s dream. There’s no shortage of high- pers it attracts, especially on weekends when the bustling
end retailers here. Just walk around a main shopping street is closed to traffic and becomes a pedestrian mall. Be
district like Chuo-dori street in Tokyo’s Ginza district, and sure to explore the lower floors of most major retailers where
Jyou’ll find the highest of the high end in swanky high- you’ll find a foodie’s paradise of food and drink displayed in
rises on both sides of the street. Even if your wallet isn’t fat row after row of sparkling glass cases. The problem was ta-
enough to shop these international fashion retailers, it’s still bles and chairs were in limited supply or nowhere to be found.
fun to look around at the glitzy merchandise and stylish shop- I guess all these culinary delights were take-out for busy Japa-