P. 28

The Lisbon Story Centre

              Today’s Lisbon reflects its                                      floor has five main exhibition
            history, geography, and nature.                                    areas that vividly showcase a
            Influences of occupying Ro-                                        different episode in Lisbon’s
            mans and Moors, as well as its                                     history. We sensed the excite-
            colonial and authoritarian past,                                   ment as we walked through a
            are readily apparent through-                                      16th-century warehouse dis-
            out the city. Lisbon’s cata-                                       playing new products brought
            strophic earthquake and                                            by Portuguese ships from the
            subsequent tidal wave and                                          New World. Another immer-
            fires reshaped the city and af-                                    sive exhibit allowed us to ex-
            fected the economy for centuries. Knowing this    perience the panic and horror of the All Saints'
            history as you walk city streets makes the expe-  Day tragedy in 1755, when the earth shook and
            rience richer and more meaningful.                ravaged the city. And we shared in the far-reach-
              Perhaps the best way to begin your visit is     ing vision of the Marquis of Pombal, who spear-
            with a stop at Lisboa Story Centre. Flanking the  headed the city’s rebuilding.
            central Plaza Commercial, this innovative info-     Other exhibit areas spanned Lisbon’s rich his-
            tainment venue brings to life events that shaped  tory from ancient settlements to the present day
            the Portuguese capital though state-of-the-art    and offered insights into architecture and art.
            multimedia exhibits.                              Our visit to the Story Center helped us look at
              History is anything but dry in the center’s vis-  the city through different lenses and better ap-
            ually dramatic and sometimes humorous vi-         preciate what we encountered as we explored
            gnettes spread over three floors. The ground-     the surrounding neighborhoods.

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