P. 83

Sobrino de Botin

              A friend told us Botin was a must-visit in      in 1590. In 1725, the nephew of French cook
            Madrid. She was right. This restaurant oozes      Jean Botin bought the building and converted it
            history, not to mention delicious smells coming   into an inn. Around this time they installed its
            from its ancient wood-burning oven.               famous oven. The new restaurant was named
              Botin is perhaps the best-known historic        Sobrino de Botin, which translates into “Botin’s
            restaurant in Madrid. Its claim to fame: It is the  Nephew”. Since the turn of the 20th century, it
            oldest operating restaurant in the world, having  has been under the careful care of the Gonzalez
            opened in 1725! But it’s not just history that has  family.
            drawn food lovers from around the world for         Over the years, the 4-story restaurant has at-
            centuries. They come for the wood-fired roast     tracted the rich and famous. American writer
            suckling pig (cochinillo) and roast baby lamb     Ernest Hemingway, a frequent diner, praises
            (cordero lechal) cooked to perfection in an oak   Botin as “the best restaurant in the world’ in his
            wood-burning oven..                               classic novel, “The Sun Also Rises.” Other guests
              The first recorded mention of the building was  include Spanish painter Francisco Goya, Frank

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