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minish our enjoyment of the stroll, which offered itime museum, which showcased the city’s rich
views of crashing waves far below, the Minceta nautical heritage.
Tower and other fortresses protecting the town. I also got the chance to chat with some Hun-
At best, travel is enlightening and this trip was garians who had chartered a 42-foot Beneteau
no exception. sailboat for a week-long cruise and were sipping
Though I’d visited Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia and wine in the vessel's cockpit. Now that would be a
other parts of the former Yugoslavia on other fun way to experience the Dalmation Coast as
writing assignments, I’d never been to Montene- well, I mused.
gro, Croatia’s neighbor to the south. Our desti- We had dinner that evening in the Amphora
nation on the fourth day was Kotor, the capital dining room. My partner was escorted to her seat
city of this tiny nation with a population of less by Hubert, the maitre d’, who took her elbow,
than 650,000. looked deeply into her eyes and said, with his
The entrance to the walled city was via a 17- French accent, “You are amazing.” She loved it.
mile-long, fjord-like inlet that was bordered by We sailed through the night and the entire
rugged mountains and pinched to several hun- next day before we reached the Sicilian village of
dred yards wide at one point. The walking tour Giardini Naxos, nestled in what is often de-
of the old town was a treat, especially the mar- scribed as one of the world’s most beautiful bays.