P. 78

By the time Ferdinand died, in 1885, Pena Palace  nate furniture. Yes, yes, yes. And, this being Por-
            included every style between Gothic and Renais-   tugal, Pena Palace also offers a kaleidoscope of
            sance. It even has a courtyard surrounded by Moor-  ornate tile work in a myriad of patterns and col-
            ish arches. Romanticism run amok.                 ors. Tiles, tiles, tiles, everywhere.
              The four of us–me; my wife, Jody; my stepson,     Oh, and in the late 2000s, the place got a bright
            Ben; and Ben’s partner, Job – spent two hours at  new yellow, orange, and red paint job.
            the Palace and then explored the massive gardens    Like Neuschwanstein, Pena Palace is crammed
            and grounds that are splayed out below the crag   with tourists. In mid-morning and early afternoon,
            like a deep green skirt.                          especially, there’s a long line for tickets and a long
              As far as castles go, it’s almost easier to say  line to get in – only a certain number are admitted
            what’s not in the Pena Palace than what is. Tur-  for each half-hour slot. Recommendation: buy tick-
            rets? Yes. Gargoyles? Yes. Enormous, canopied     ets in advance online.
            royal beds in royal rooms? Yes. Opulent dining      The queues can be irritating but, for us, the
            rooms. Yes. Stone steps up, down and around,      palace was so big and convoluted, the crowds
            portraits of unsmiling princes, carvings, busts,  weren’t a bother. And mid-week, mid-September
            stained glass, ornate crosses, ornate chapels, or-  didn’t seem to be an overly popular time. We oohed

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