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As I drove along Scenic Route 100, I would     beautifully restored Greek Revival and
            stop at scenic spots and state parks where I      Georgian-style homes that hug the tree-lined
            could begin walking in those colorful woods.      trees as well as some impressive commercial
               Near the town of Rochester, I found the        buildings from the 1800s that continue to
            Rochester Valley Trails of the Green Mountain     define this town.
            National Forest. Strolling along its easy paths, I    In my wanderings around the state, I found
            got my first glimpse of the fall leaves.          Woodstock the most appealing of the small
               In Granville, a short stroll off the road took  towns I saw. Its inn was within walking
            me to Moss Glen Falls, a gorgeous horsetail       distance to everything in town; the town had
            waterfall that spreads into a teal pool of water.  interesting shops and restaurants to explore;
            The falls are “a major contributing factor as to  and it boasts several natural and historic
            why this road is widely considered to be          attractions.
            Vermont’s most scenic byway,” says                    The Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National
                           Historical Park is the premiere destination
               Warren Falls, near the tiny town of            here. Built in 1805 by Charles Marsh, its
            Warren, features crystalline pools among          mansion is a centerpiece of this fascinating
            undulating gorge walls that make for a very       place and is open for tours (though you need
            dramatic spot in the Green Mountain National      reservations in busy months like October). The
            Forest.                                                                stately home is flanked
                                                                                   by some 20 miles of
               I stopped in the
            historic town of                                                       carriage roads and trails
            Waterbury for a                                                        that crisscross Mount Tom.
            veggie spinach wrap                                                       Across the road lies
            at K.C.’s Bagel Cafe.                                                  the Billings Farm and
            Ben & Jerry’s Ice                                                      Museum, a working dairy
            Cream Factory is in                                                    farm as well as a museum
            Waterbury, too.                                                        of agricultural life here.
               Heading back                                                           The story of the
            south on Scenic                                                        three owners of this
            Route 100, I                                                           home and farm is truly
            connected to State                                                     fascinating. The son of
            Route 4 east to                                                        Charles Marsh, George
            Woodstock, my home                                                     Perkins Marsh
            for four nights.                                                       (1801-1882) grew up on
                                                                                   this family farm in
                Settled in the
            1760s, Woodstock                                                       Woodstock. He had
            became one of the                                                      witnessed the
            largest towns in the                                                   devastation of the state
            state, drawing early                                                   after the American
            manufacturers,                                                         Revolution when settlers
            craftsmen and                                                          poured into Vermont,
            entrepreneurs. As                                                      cutting down most of its
            the large mills and factories in the mid-1800s    forests to pursue farming and sheep herding,
            drove out small manufacturers, Woodstock’s        resulting in severe erosion and flooding.
            population declined.                                  Marsh served several terms in Congress in
                                                              the 1840s, traveled Europe as an American
               But its illustrious origins remain among its
                                                              diplomat, and “saw first-hand how the actions

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