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farm family tending 13,500 sheep and around   stranger happened to be a film location scout for   There was a large established pine tree, later re-
            400 cattle, suddenly thrust into a storybook that   Sir Peter Jackson who would be directing The   named “the party tree,” ideally placed in front of
            dramatically changed their lives and fortunes.  Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Jackson had spotted   the lake. The surrounding farmland was free of
              The story began on normal Saturday after-  the farm during and aerial search of film sites.    highways, modern buildings and power lines
            noon in 1998 on the Alexander family farm   The Alexander sheep and beef farm in the   making it perfect for Hobbit homes.
            near Matamata, New Zealand, when there was   bucolic rolling hills of the Waikato region fit   The Alexanders’ and Jackson came to an
            a knock on the door by a “fairy godfather.”  The   perfectly with Jackson’s  vision for the  “Shire.”  agreement and set construction began in

            16        Wine Dine & Travel 2016
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