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Susan McBeth’s
Kitchens of the Great Midwest
by J. Ryan Stradal (Pamela Dorman Books, 2015)
he menu: “two perfectly browned isosceles-tri- and culminating in a tantalizing feast of the senses
angle toast points, thin as tortillas, framing that epitomizes the comfort and sense of belonging
Ta curl of bright pink ham, accompanied by a that food provides to the six foot, two inch food
white ceramic spoon of pale red chutney…two glis- goddess.
tening little rectangles of white fish on identically Employing a unique structure that may initially
sized mounds of yellow suc- tend to confuse, Stradal com-
cotash…a tiny cut of venison mences each chapter abrupt-
steak, about half the size of a ly, so that the reader must
playing card, with tomatoes deduce whose perspective is
and sweet pepper jelly…a pav- next and what their role is
lova the size of a mini-donut, in Eva’s life. And while not
with five blackberry halves offering chapter transitions
clinging to its tiny plateau, may derail some novels, in
and a copper shot glass filled this case, it is sheer brilliance,
two-thirds with a creamy dark as it uproots the readers
brown liquid.” much like Eva has been up-
If this sounds gastronom- rooted in her brief life, but
ically enticing, just wait un- then eventually settles as sat-
til you sink your teeth into isfactorily as a black truffle
the literary feast that J. Ryan oil macaroni and cheese with
Stradal has concocted in his bacon and smoked Gouda.
New York Times bestselling As she gains renown, Eva
debut novel, Kitchens of the becomes more elusive and, in
Great Midwest. fact, only one of this charac-
During a childhood shak- ter-driven novel’s chapters is
en by tragedy and poverty, even related from Eva’s point
young Eva Thorvald meticu- of view. Diners, however,
lously tends to the plants she are ubiquitous, salivating
secretly grows in her bed- for their coveted reservation,
room closet until they reach even though they must wait
maximum potency, at which time she harvests them up to four years and fork over $5,000 per person to
for, well, “recreational” purposes. But perhaps not dine. And when they are called, and are required on
the kind you think. You see, Eva was born with a short notice to travel to a clandestine location where
once-in-a-lifetime palate, and while her hydropon- the meal will be served, they can only hope to gain
ic chocolate habaneros initially supply fodder for a glimpse of their chef, as she works with her small
pranks on school bullies and earn her a few extra team behind the scenes to create a multi-sensorial
dollars by wagering tasting bets with unsuspecting feast worthy of culinary orgasm.
diners, eventually Eva’s talents grow beyond a child- Equal parts hilarious, touching, and creative, the
hood fancy and lead her to become one of the na- novel is a recipe for success, not bad for a debut au-
tion’s most in-demand chefs. thor. J. Ryan Stradal may be new on the authori-
J. Ryan Stradal reveals the soul of that chef, one al scene, but his cast of flawed and loveable quirky
menu at a time, with ingredients inspired by Mid- characters is literary ambrosia. Taste Kitchens of the
western terroir, starting with the pureed pork that Great Midwest, savor it, and then like any unforget-
her father feeds her as a infant, to the extraordinarily table meal, you will leave yearning for more.
spicy chili peppers Eva grows as a child, to the win-
ning peanut butter bars in the county fair bakeoff, ~ by Susan McBeth
Cartoonpublished with the permission from
Wine Dine & Travel 2016 75