P. 11
Since the advent of the Internet, acting as your rented. Unless you really like the coziness of a
own travel agent has become the norm, not the tiny room make sure to click the details link to
exception. Nowadays, in addition to flights, learn the room’s square footage to be sure
rental cars and tours, most experienced you’re not booking a closet.
travelers book their own accommodations. Check for deceptive additional hidden fees
Doing it yourself definitely can save money and or taxes. Many hotels, resorts, and chains are
turn up the perfect situation, but there are adding “resort fees” for things that should be
minefields and deceptive practices common in included or that you don’t want or need. There
the hospitality industry that can turn that dream are several state lawsuits that aim to make these
vacation into a nightmare. practices illegal. Until then check the bottom line
A multitude of apps, Internet sites, and tools before you click “Book.”
make it easy to book and we generally use a Make sure you can cancel without penalty.
combination of them when doing our research Itineraries change and life happens, so being able
and making reservations. Over the decades of to cancel is essential. Some booking companies
booking our own travels, we have made plenty of like have a filter for displaying only
mistakes but with each error, we become a little accommodations that can be cancelled. Be sure
wiser and a little more cautious as we do our that the option is stated clearly on your booking
booking due diligence. and save the confirmation or email if you decide
Here are some lessons we’ve learned. to cancel. On our last trip, we canceled a room
Consider the location carefully. Many only to be charged for four nights on our credit
travelers will save a few bucks by booking on the card. Because we had an email proving we
outskirts of the tourist areas. If they’re not canceled, the credit card company removed the
careful, they wind up spending valuable vacation charge.
time and money getting to a destination only to Finally, make sure that just getting to your
stay in a business hotel in the burbs. accommodation doesn’t become a nightmare.
The room rate may be a bargain, but they Twice in Portugal’s walled towns with their
might have failed to consider the time drag of ancient narrow cobblestone streets, we
long public transportation trips, rush hour traffic experienced challenging and even dangerous
delays, and parking searches. Life - and most situations trying to drive to and park at our
vacations - are too short. It’s worth spending hotel.
some extra to be in the center of things, to Other problems range from lack of an
simply walk out of your hotel and stroll to elevator, no air conditioning, noise or smell from
attractions and restaurants. the bar below, etc. Dig into the details and read
Size matters when it comes to rooms. Many the reviews. Misadventures may make for great
hotels have a few closet-sized rooms designed as stories, but they’re lousy for a relaxing vacation
teasers for booking engines. We could barely or a good night’s sleep.
find a place to store bags in one London “flat” we
Ron & Mary James
Publishers & Editors
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