P. 51

back down. If I had it all to do again (and I would) I  bottom where a long dark dank underground grotto
            would enter at our exit point, or better yet fork over  with dead-end passageways and waterfall-drenched
            a few extra euros for a bus tour up to the Palace.  exits.
               After a relaxing lunch that included a flight of  The whole set-up was used to test initiates for a
            wine and plate of sardines, we made our way to the  secret society who were accepted after making the
            slightly less taxing Quinta da Regaleira, a World  descent in the dark and finding the correct. exit.
            Heritage site. The lavish ornate Gothic mansion and  Mary and I would have flunked out. In broad
            lush gardens include assorted mysterious hidden  daylight, we managed to take a wrong turn and
            tunnels and structures used in secretive religious  became separated from our companions. Our
            rituals. The strangest was the Initiation Well with  anxious guide found us a hundred yards away from
            stone moss-cover walls and steps winding to the  the winner’s exit.

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