P. 50

aprons we become a team, ready to mas-            supermarket.
            ter chef techniques while preparing and               Our small class including two other cou-
            enjoying some delicious and often iconic          ples gathered at the impressive modern
            dishes. Add a little wine and amiable pro-        Mimo cooking complex in the Hotel Maria
            fessionals like Mimo’s talented chefs Patri-      Cristina, one of the city's most exclusive
            cio Fuentes,  Eneko Irizar, Erick Muñoz (all      and historic hotels. We were greeted by
            Michelin-experienced),  and their dedicated       Lara Ibericu, sales and events manager,
            team and you have a perfect formula for           who briefed us on the class schedule and
            memorable good times.                             introduced us to the chefs. In minutes we
                Mimo offers a variety of classes includ-      were off to Bretxa Market, just a few blocks
            ing one that prepares a typical Michelin-         away.
            starred restaurant tasting menu. We se-               For more than a century, Bretxa has
            lected our class hoping to learn not only         been the heart of the city's gastronomic
            some Basque dishes but also how to navi-          traditions and culinary events. Today it's in
            gate Spain’s bustling mercados. Their             a state of flux. The original building is now
            shops burst with strange and wonderful            a shopping center anchored by a gigantic
            items that can overwhelm visitors used to         McDonald’s while long-stalled plans aim to
            buying pre-packaged meat and fish in a            turn the adjacent old fish market into one

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