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ket, we could only hope our classroom ex-          intern Reese, prepped dishes simultane-
           perience would equal it. It did indeed.            ously, at different workstations – just as
               We gathered by the bar for a glass of          they would in a real professional kitchen.
           crisp white wine and donned our profes-            We moved among them, working and
           sional chef’s white coats. It would be our         watching, as the dishes came together.
           only wine until we sat down at the chef’s              We learned how to clean fresh an-
           table for our lunch starters. After all, we        chovies, slipping out their innards and
           would be working in a kitchen with a lot of        backbones. Later they would be dusted with
           sharp and hot objects.                             flour, dipped in egg, and fried for seconds
                Our Mimo class was much different from        in hot canola oil. A delicious classic starter.
           most we’ve experienced. Instead of a chef              We chopped onions and beets. Chef Eric
           demonstrating cooking techniques in front          pulled out a portable propane blow torch to
           of a group of students, Mimo’s lessons were        char a large tomato, making it easy to wipe
           like being part of a working restaurant            away the skin with a paper towel. Then he
           kitchen. Each of the chefs, along with their       passed the torch to adventurous students

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