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                                                                                                                                           HELLO THERE!

               Beyond the Squirt Gun: Finding Balance in Tourism

                         he recent squirt-gun protest by          trification. This phenomenon isn't unique to
                         Barcelona's Neighborhood Assembly        Barcelona; it's a challenge faced by desirable
                         for Tourism Degrowth (ABDT) drew         areas all over the world.
               T international attention to the grow-                Killing the "golden goose" of tourism,
               ing tensions surrounding mass tourism. While       though,  isn't the answer. Tourism is the top
               the ABDT's demand for a radical reduction in       economic engine of many popular destina-
               tourist numbers resonates with concerns in         tions, providing jobs and supporting local busi-
               many popular destinations, their methods are       nesses. Barcelona's service industry, heavily
               questionable.                                      reliant on tourism, would suffer tremendously                                                         Theodore Roosevelt National Park is
                   The downsides of mass tourism are undeni-      if visitor numbers were drastically reduced.                                                           as unique as it is beautiful. A North
               able. Rising living costs often push locals out,      So, what's the solution? Squirting tourists
               and infrastructure strains under the pressure.     was a widely covered publicity stunt, but it's                                                        Dakota gem not to be missed. Home
               Crowds turn daily life into a frustrating gaunt-   not a sustainable strategy.  Instead, a collabo-                                                      to bison, wild horses and uncrowded
               let. However, blaming tourists ignores the root    rative approach involving politicians, the
               causes – and generates unintended circum-          tourism industry, and residents is needed.                                                            trails into the painted canyons of the
               stances that could impact the protestors           Curbing foreign ownership of short-term
               themselves.                                        rentals, zoning restrictions on vacation hous-                                                           Badlands. Nearby, you’ll find
                   The true culprits are complex: Greedy          ing, and limiting cruise ship size and numbers                                                         charming cities and towns ready to
               landlords and travel-related businesses that       in port are potential measures. Additionally,
               recklessly capitalizing on supply and demand.      promoting lesser-known parts of the country                                                           greet you. Now all you have to do is
               The cruise industry's disregard for the prob-      and travel off-season can help to distribute                                                          get here. What are you waiting for?
               lems created when thousands of passengers          tourism more evenly.
               disembark at once. Global inflation and corpo-        Finding a balance between preserving local
               rate gouging inflate prices for all.               culture and benefiting from tourism is essen-
                   The very things that attract tourists – cul-   tial. By addressing the root causes of the prob-
               tural richness, beauty, and vibrancy – also at-    lem and implementing sustainable solutions,                        1-800-H e ll o N D                                                       
               tract wealthy newcomers who can afford             cities can ensure that tourism remains a posi-
               higher rents and home prices, leading to gen-      tive force for all.
                                                                                     Ron & Mary James

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