Page 124 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 124
the Pharaohs first visited a little elementary school swept her small concrete porch outside the front door.
decorated with a Nubian mural of their original village Welcome, she said, as we passed; then continued her
before the dam. It was both a reminder of their past battle with dust.
and a roadmap for their future. From time to time, the elder shared information
We walked on via dusty dirt paths that passed build- about the village. Women in black, he explained, were
ings in various states of repair painted in bright colors. married, while girls or young women in western garb
The village seemed deserted except for a woman or colored traditional wear were single. The men were
dressed head to toe in black and a little kid riding away, fishing or working and the women were in their
his bike who followed us. In front of a larger brightly homes or tending the village’s many black goats.
painted house in excellent repair, an attractive woman
The Nubian village in the late after-
noon showing the traditional mud-
brick style of constructions..