Page 33 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 33

once entirely brightly painted.
              After so many years the poor thing looked pretty
            beat up. And what’s the story of the missing nose?
            A lot of folks blame Napoleon’s troops who used
            a cannon to shoot off the nose, but they got a bum
            rap since illustrations show the schnozz-less sphinx
            predates Napoleon in Egypt. So the mystery remains.   At the end of our camel ride we pass
            Fortunately, efforts are on-going to preserve the    through an area covered with tombs of
            statue; during our visit, scaffolding covered much of   important Egyptians. The pyramids and
            the rear of the Sphinx for restoration work. No plans   Sphinx loom large in the distance.
            exist, as far as we know, to replace the nose.

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