Page 32 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 32

it ruin our enjoyment of this view of a lifetime.  he explained the driver would have reacted that way
              Our camel driver almost immediately began hint-  regardless of the amount. It would not be the last time
            ing for a big tip at the end of the ride. He played out   we experienced this guilt trip tipping scam.
            his best canned “I love America” lines and chatted   Our camel ride conveniently ended right in front of
            about his large family dependent on his tip income.   the 4,500-year-old Great Sphinx of Giza. It was almost
            He bemoaned the little business he got in these hard   surreal to be in the presence of arguably the most
            times. It was transparent, amusing and irritating at the   well-known sculpture in the world. It’s also among the
            same time.                                        largest measuring some 240 feet long and 66 feet
              At the end of the ride, we tipped him consider-  high.  The lion’s body with human head adorned with
            ably more than our tour guide suggested, but he   a royal headdress was carved from a single piece of
            looked heartbroken. When we told that to our guide,   limestone, and like most other Egyptian objects, was

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