Page 50 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 50

a vibrant and tidy grand bazaar, ideal for tourists in   By now, we had walked miles in the heat and
            search of cool souvenirs at bargain prices. This mar-  were eager to return to the hotel. Finding a taxi
            ket had well maintained old Ottoman-style build-  proved daunting in bustling Cairo. When we finally
            ings and shops, and thankfully, much less crowded   managed to hail a cab and agree on a fare, we
            alleys that were clean and neat. Mary bought a    were treated to a white-knuckle ride through the
            silver cartouche necklace with her name written in   city streets. At the hotel we mad a beeline to the
            hieroglyphics, and we found a charming café for   rooftop bar and its cold wine – good Egyptian rose.
            soft drinks and snacks well known as a favorite   The sun was setting over the Nile as we toasted our
            hangout for the late Naguib Mahfouz, Egypt’s Nobel  adventure in the Khan  - exhausting, exhilarating,
            Prize-winning author.                             and not to be missed.

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