Page 45 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 45
ed many temples we would see on our trip down techniques to understand how ancient Egyptians
the Nile including the two massive temples at Abu thought, their relationships to their kings and their
Simbel. Ramses II said to have fathered 162 children, beliefs concerning the afterlife. It also will showcase
died at age 92. for the first time all 5,000 items found in King Tut’s
We enjoyed exploring this museum but felt it tomb, along with a replica of the tomb and artifacts
was a museum that belonged in a museum. Mod- just as they were discovered by archaeologist How-
ern museums sport all sorts of amazing interactive ard Carter in 1922.
displays to entertain and inform. Not this one. Its old We only had three full days in Cairo, but they were
fashioned displays in poorly lit cabinets with glaring among the most amazing and satisfying of any in
glass didn’t do justice to the treasures here. our many travels. Yes, Cairo has some rough edges,
This is about to change with the opening in 2019 but the historical riches, the friendliness of its people,
of GEM or the new Grand Egyptian Museum, cur- delicious cuisine and the mind-boggling sights eas-
rently under construction just a mile and a half from ily put them out of mind. This easily ranks as one of
the Great Pyramids of Giza. GEM will display nearly our most memorable adventures, one we hope to
50,000 unique objects, an incredible 30,000 of continue with a return visit one day to explore the
which have never been shown to the public. The new museum in Giza.
new museum also will use the latest technology and