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trails that wind through crowds of cen-                         Finding sanctuary
            turies-old redwoods, across open meadows
            in the Valley of the Moon, past the remains           Charlie’s Acres is where locals go for
            of the four-story, 26-room stone mansion          cuddly wellness: sheep meditation, goat
            that burned to the ground just days before        yoga, tummy scratches.
            Jack and Charmian planned to move in.                 When I used a rake to scratch Gilbert’s
               Steps away, visitors find more remains.        belly, the 470-pound pig didn’t just lean
            At a small fenced cemetery, Jack’s ashes          into it, he flopped and rolled, exposing
            rest under a lichen-covered stone; he died        more of his hairy pink paunch, clearly sa-
            in 1916 at age 40. When Charmian died in          voring the pleasure.  His pleasure became
            1955, her ashes were placed beside Jack’s.        my pleasure. As he basked in the moment, I
               To make the most of your time at the           did too.  He surrendered; I retreated.
            park, sign up for a free docent tour. I               “We’re not a petting zoo,’ said guide
            lucked out, spending an afternoon with            Greg Ord. “We’re a sanctuary for rescued
            longtime volunteer Ben Lefson, whose pas-         farm animals. The animals you’re interact-
            sion for the place is contagious.                 ing with want to be with you. This place is a

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