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the island didn’t equal the lasting impression    struggles, and the enduring resilience of
            made by other recent stops, such as               their people. The Venetians left behind
            Dubrovnik or Slovenia.                            fortifications and cultural imprints that
            In contrast, Argostoli on the island of           remain visible today. As British protectorates
            Kefalonia had a calmer, more subdued              in the 19th century, the islands saw
            ambiance. Its modern buildings and orderly        improvements in infrastructure, and Corfu
            broad streets lacked the historic charms of       even retains traces of British culture,
            Corfu, largely due to a devastating               including a love for cricket. Both ports
            earthquake of 1953 that leveled much of the       endured hardships during World War II and,
            town. During our visit, after the summer          in their own ways, rebuilt and adapted,
            season, the town felt unusually quiet, with       embracing tourism as a major part of their
            few tourists or locals in sight. Its easygoing,   modern identity.
            unhurried appeal seemed centered on a             While each offered a different experience,
            lifestyle that revolves around its beaches        Corfu and Argostoli provided beautiful
            and marinas rather than mass tourism.             weather, scenic walks, and a window into
            Despite their differences, both Corfu and         Greece’s layered history. Both added to our
            Argostoli share a complex past shaped by          growing appreciation of the Ionian islands
            Venetian rule, British influence, wartime         and their enduring appeal.

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