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ranean ease, a city where even the sim-
                                                              plest walk feels effortlessly glamorous.
                                                                  Gone were the summer crowds. Off-
                                                              season Nice felt more relaxed, allowing us
                                                              to take in the Promenade du Paillon, a
                                                              stunning urban park lined with fountains,
                                                              sculptures, and winding pathways. The fa-
                                                              mous Promenade des Anglais stretched
                                                              along the turquoise waters of the Mediter-
                                                              ranean, lined with elegant Art Deco build-
                                                              ings that seemed to belong in a vintage
                                                              postcard. And yet, for all its beauty, Nice
                                                              didn’t completely steal our hearts. The
                                                              scenery was lovely, but something was
                                                              missing—perhaps a little soul, a little un-
                                                                  Then we arrived in Èze, and everything
                                                                  This medieval village, perched on a
                                                              steep cliff high above the sea, is about as
                                                              picturesque as it gets. Dating back to the
                                                              12th century, Èze was once a fortified
                                                              stronghold, built to defend against pirate
                                                              raids. Mary warned me about the steep
                                                              climb and endless staircases, but the
                                                              breathtaking views at every turn made it
                                                              worth the effort. Narrow cobblestone
                                                              streets twisted through the village, winding
                                                              between ancient stone houses, each corner
                                                              revealing another art gallery, boutique, or
                                                              hidden terrace.
                                                                  At times, the setting felt almost unreal.
                                                              The entire town seemed like a living post-
                                                              card, where even the most ordinary cor-
                                                              ners were infused with history and charm.
                                                              The Jardin Exotique d’Èze, sitting at the vil-
                                                              lage’s highest point, was the crown jewel.
                                                                  Founded in 1949 by Mayor André Gi-
                                                              anton, the Exotic Garden was designed to
                                                              be an oasis at the summit of the medieval
                                                              ruins. It offers some of the best views on
                                                              the entire French Riviera, with a panoramic
                                                              vista of the Mediterranean stretching end-
                                                              lessly into the horizon. Unlike a typical

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