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tian landscape. We never dreamed that Mary soon
would be perched on that same spot.
Martians and astronauts aren’t the only movie sub-
ject shot here. Perhaps no movie was as famous as
David Lean’s work of art, “Lawrence of Arabia,”
that recalled British office T. E. Lawrence’s many
visits there during Arab uprisings at the turn of
the 20th century.
Getting There is Part of the Adventure
Our group of adventurers car caravaned from Israel
to Jordan, an eight-hour trip that passed though
some of the most historic and iconic places on
earth. Among them is the lowest point on earth
(1,378 feet below sea level), home of the Dead Sea.
To our eyes, it resembled California’s Salton Sea,
though much larger, deader and sporting check
points populated by very young bored men and
women with very bad-ass guns.
16 Wine Dine & Travel 2016