Page 20 - wadirum
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though the area, all run by Bedouins,  service. We found a perfect match at Bait   we have visited -- and usually the pesti-
            and all reflecting their history and cul- Ali, which had accommodations ranging   cide smell dissipates in an hour or so. But
            ture to some degree. A few are the real   from elaborate tents with beds and shared   when we returned after dinner, the smell
            deal, offering the “Bedouin” lifestyle to   showers and toilets to adobe looking cot- was still strong even though I turned the
            hardy tourists who don’t mind cold wa- tages with king sized beds, modern baths   air conditioning fan to high when we left.
            ter, no-flush toilets and a mattress on   and flat screen TVs. We chose the latter.
            the ground with a blanket and no sheets.                              After a fitful night highlighted by burning
                                               Still there was one glitch that made for   sinuses and eyes, I went to the front desk
            After our experience at a similar camp in   an uncomfortable first night. We noticed   and requested a move.  Without any dra-
            India, we look for creature comforts like a   what smelled like pesticide when we first   ma our luggage was moved into another
            good bed, private bath with a flush toilet,  entered the room. This was not unusual in   cabin with the same amenities.
            heating and air conditioning and maid   many of the countries infested with bugs

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