Page 25 - wadirum
P. 25

this huge brute, snorting and galloping.  of something in the saddle bag. I was   I tell this story because unfortunately
          ... I found after a while my bottom was   quite comfy.”               there seems to be a dearth of sponge
          bleeding from bouncing up and down                                    rubber in Jordon or I must have inherit-
          on this snorting great dragon.”
         “I went to Beirut buy sponge rubber and
          it was, I remember, mucous membrane
          pink. And I arrived back to my Bedou-
          in friend with this lump of thick rubber
          and I stuffed it, shamelessly onto my
          saddle. ... But after a while they looked
          and they saw it was quite comfy, too,
          and they could bounce more easily on
          sponge rubber than you could on wood-
          en hump, so they began to ask me to buy

          So I was requisitioning tons of this
          damn stuff, yards of it. I think I intro-
          duced sponge rubber into Arabian cul-
          ture. ... They called me [in Arabic] ‘the
          father of rubber’… I had a transistor
          radio plugged into my ears and I had a
          cigarette going and I had a little bottle

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