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Celebrating German Christmas Markets

                                                  | STORY & PHOTOS BY ALISON DAROSA |

                                  nvision yourself snuggled in woolens,  Frazzled and jet-lagged after flying from the west
                                  meandering  the cobbled  streets of a   coast of the U.S. to Frankfurt, then hopping a train
                                  snow-dusted medieval fairytale village.  to Baden, I checked in at Der Kleine Prinz hotel,
                                  With a steaming mug of glühwein in hand,  unpacked my swimsuit, and walked straight to the
                         Eyou’re browsing festive stalls decked with   Caracalla Spa.
                          twinkling holiday lights, admiring hand-crafted
                          wooden toys, one-of-a-kind ornaments and sam- Romans were the first to note the healing power of
                          pling a cornucopia of seasonal eats.         the thermal waters here – and two millennia later,
                                                                       the magic thrives.  Baden means bath; 29 natural
                          You’re dreaming of German Christmas markets.    mineral-rich hot springs feed the town’s spas.

                          During almost two weeks last December, I visited a   Road weary, I sank into the warm, bubbling waters
                          diverse collection of those markets. There are doz-  at Caracalla’s big indoor/outdoor pool. I drifted lazi-
                          ens of them – in big cities, small towns and remote   ly from station to station in the flow channel, lean-
                          villages. Many date back to the middle ages. Each   ing  into  massaging  jets,  comforting  aching  shoul-
                          visit was unique, but all gave me the opportunity to   ders under soothing waterfalls.  I allowed my brain
                          mix with locals and enjoy the Christmas traditions   to breathe; stress dissipated into the starry Black
                          and treats they know and love.  My trip was enrich- Forest sky.
                          ing, enlightening and just plain fun – a perfect hol-
                          iday gift to myself.                         Back inside, I sampled the aromatic stream bath, a
                                                                       brine inhalation room and an upstairs sauna extrav-
                          Baden-Baden in southwestern Germany was the   aganza.  By then, the tangled knots of long-distance
                          perfect place to start.  The town has a compact,  economy class travel had slowly, deliciously unrav-
                          classy Christmas  market,  a bounty of cultural  at-  eled. For dessert, I treated myself to a 30-minute
                          tractions, multiple Michelin-starred restaurants –  back massage. Pure bliss.
                          and an array of thermal spas.

                          Food and drink vendors (left) in Nuremberg provide warm sus-
                          tenance for Christmas Market shoppers.  At Garmisch –Parten-
                          kirchen in the Bavarian Alps, the small Christmas market offers  a
                          colorful collection of hand-crafted wooden toys.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Wine Dine & Travel  2016          31
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