Page 32 - wadirum
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Baden-Baden’s Christmas Market of-
fers something for everyone: Sausages,
grilled on an open fire, (clockwise
from above) Santa’s arrival in a hot
air balloon, fresh-fried langos frosted
with Nutella and a wide assortment of
artisanal charcuterie from local chefs.
I hit Baden’s Christmas market the next
day full of energy – and vowing to kick- Everything offered at the market is
start every long-haul trip with a spa vis- juried – so shoppers find quality and
it. variety. A sommelier even comes ear-
ly in the season to choose the best
Set in Lichtentaler Allee gardens, at the mulled wine. Daily entertainment,
foot of the town’s glamorous old casi- on an open-air stage, ranges from
no, Baden-Baden’s Christkindelsmarkt Christmas caroling by local school
is pure delight: a wintry wonderland of children to big band performances.
shimmering lights, open-air entertain- One afternoon I applauded St. Nick
ment and 110 festively decorated stalls as he arrived by hot air balloon to dis-
offering everything from locally crafted tribute gifts to wide-eyed youngsters.
lambskin slippers to sugar-dusted waf- Another time I watched children up
fles and Nutella-frosted langos (deep- to their elbows in dough, making
fried flatbread). Visitors savor the magic their own Christmas cookies.
as they inhale the scent of pine mingled
with aromas of roasted nuts, grilled sau- I gave myself four full days in Baden-
sages, cinnamon and yeasty fresh-baked Baden – and wished I allotted more
breads. time. The town is a cultural arts cen-
32 Wine Dine & Travel 2016