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1923 Steinway grand pia-                                                         Then there’s the legend
            no, including one showing                                                        of the “Monster of Gla-
            Laura Bush posed with the                                                        mis,” which was circulat-
            Strathmore family when                                                           ed for years.  Apparently
            she visited the castle                                                           it began when Lord and
            during the G8 Gleneagles                                                         Lady Glamis, the Queen
            Summit in 2005.                                                                  Mum’s   great,  great
                                                                                             grandparents, had a
            We also toured a three-                                                          baby, Thomas Bowes-Ly-
            room suite in the royal                                                          on, who died on the
            apartment—the      Sit-                                                          day he was born in Oct.
            ting Room and King and                                                           1821.  For years, howev-
            Queen’s Bedrooms.  This is                                                       er, there was speculation
            one of the oldest parts of                                                       that he was really hor-
            the castle, dating from the                                                      ribly deformed and was
            15th century, and these                                                          kept hidden in a small
            private rooms were used                                                          room off the castle’s
            by the Queen Mum since                                                           Chapel, fed through a
            her 1923 marriage; she                                                           grilled gate by a servant.
            and King George VI spent
            part of their honeymoon                                                          But perhaps the most
            here.  After the king died                                                       chilling tale is that of
            in 1952, she used primari-                                                       Lady Janet Douglas,
            ly the Sitting Room.                                                             wife of the 6th  Lord
                                                                                             Glamis.  She was falsely
           “She didn’t like to have                                                          accused of being a witch
            anything changed and it’s                                                        and burned to death in
            pretty much the same as                                                          1537.  Since then peo-
            it was since her wedding                                                         ple believe that it's  her
            93 years ago,” noted our                                                         ghost occasionally seen
            guide.  Until their deaths,                                                      here,  garbed  in  gray.
            she and Princess Marga-                                                          Dubbed the “Gray Lady,”
            ret visited the castle a few times a year.  The Sitting Room   she’s been known to pop up in the Chapel, praying.  Complet-
            is warmly furnished with comfortable armchairs and a sofa,  ed and consecrated in 1688—with richly colored religious
            Chippendale chairs, family photos (including charming black-  panels on the ceiling and paintings on the walls—the Chapel
            and-white ones of Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret   is still used by the Strathmore family today.
            as children), 18th century tapestries, and a carved oak chim-
            neypiece displaying Dutch and Chinese porcelain.   However, visitors are told to knock three times before enter-
                                                               ing so they don’t frighten the Gray Lady—or get frightened
            And in this room is where the ghost of a little, mischievous   themselves!
            pageboy has been noticed sitting atop a small stone seat just
            inside the door!                                   Above: Vintage poster featuring Orson Welles and Glamis
            The Queen Mother’s Bedroom has a four-poster bed, with a
            quilt made by her mother, Countess Strathmore, who also   Photos courtesy of VisitBritain Images, WIKI Commons, and
            embroidered the padded canopy with the names of her ten   Sharon Whitley Larsen
            children and their birth dates, including the Queen Mum’s.
                                                               IF YOU GO
            In Duncan’s Hall—one of the oldest and eeriest areas of
            the castle—the slaying of King Duncan by Macbeth is com-  For more information--and regarding activities throughout
            memorated, although the actual killing took place near Elgin.  the year, as well as tours--please see:

           “Macbeth” was written for King James VI by Shakespeare,
            who may have heard stories about Glamis Castle and used it
            as a setting in the play.                

           “There’s no historic link between Glamis and Macbeth,” said
            our guide.  “Shakespeare gave them great publicity!”

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