Page 55 - wadirum
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intriguing sculptures. In many cases,  thing about meandering along crum-
           they also provide your best oppor-  bling walls and imagining the scenes
           tunity  to get up close  and personal   witnessed  by those  centuries-old
           with celebrities (albeit dead ones)   stones.  The  whispered conversa-
           without having a restraining order   tions by a fireplace. The secret as-
           issued against you.               signations on a spiral staircase. The
                                             arrows that might have flown from
           The first time I visited Paris, I dragged   those  window  slits.  The…oh  crap…
           my poor beleaguered husband to ev-  did I just step in a wad of gum?
           ery repository of human remains in
           the city, including the granddaddy of  And so, sometimes, Mom, I also find
           them all, Pere Lachaise. There you’ll   myself shopping for a new pair of
           find Jim Morrison, his grave marked   shoes.
           by flowers, empty liquor bottles and
           tiny plastic cups filled with…well,
           how the heck do I know? I certainly   Glass lamps are big at the Istanbul’s Grand
           wasn’t drinking from them. But the   Bazaar . Opposite top: Oscar Wilde’s tomb at
           true rock star is Oscar Wilde, buried   Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. Opposite
           beneath an Egyptian effigy that is   left: The ruins of Corfe Castle in Dorset,   You can find Amy at WWW.AMYLAUGHINGHOUSE.
           covered with red lipstick kisses ev-  England                         COM and on Twitter @A_LAUGHINGHOUSE.
           erywhere. EVERYWHERE, people.

           My other great indulgences are ruins
           and castles. Give me a ruined castle,
           and I’m in heaven. There’s just some-

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