Page 63 - wadirum
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groups of cruisers. The owner of Wine Below: Michael Ippolito translates for
in Provence, Michael Ippolito, pulled up François Dumon owner and wine-
in a shiny new SUV with comfy seats for maker for Clos d’Albizzi. Below left: A
the four of us, a basket of fresh pastries, painting of an ancestor of the Albizzi
and water. family who settled in the area in 1523.
The family was a powerful dynasty in
Michael drove expertly though the nar- Florence. Below right: Ron and Mary
row streets of Toulon while giving us an James with traveling companions Carl
intro into French wine tasting. He ex- and Sharon Larsen. Left: Beautiful
plained that American wine enthusiasts white wine from Clos d’Albizzi.
over analyze wines, sniffing and swirling Opposite page: François Dumon in his
in search of exotic fragrances and com- vineyard with his faithful winery dog.
plex acidity, sugar, color and even texture.
Wine Dine & Travel 2016 63