Page 64 - wadirum
P. 64

In France, he explained, most everyone   for distribution. The times are changing,  Michael explained that the now 35-acre
            drinks wine, most at every meal. They   though, as a new tech-savvy generation   vineyard was owned by the Albizzi fam-
            open the bottle, pour it into a glass and if   of family members takes charge and   ily who settled in the area in 1523. The
            it tastes OK they drink it. This suited my   turns to social media, tasting room sales   family was a powerful dynasty in Flor-
            world view of wine perfectly: If it tastes   and wine clubs.          ence, in the same league as the Medici.
            good, I like it.                                                      Our host, François Dumon, was a direct
                                               Our schedule was to visit four wineries   descendant of Florentine family. In my
            According to our guide, most French   and scenic highlights along the way with   mind’s eye, I expected a sort of gentle-
            winemaking operations don’t have for-  a lunch stop at a nice bistro. The idea was   man’s farmer sporting French design-
            mal tasting rooms. Retail marketing   to visit a diverse cross-section of winer-  er causal togs a la Lord Grantham in
            doesn’t rank high there, unlike  the ma-  ies, small and large. After a short hop on  “Downton Abbey.”
            jority of small wineries in America where   the freeway we headed west on the Route
            wine tasting rooms and wine clubs pro-  de Crêtes toward the beautiful French  As we pulled into the driveway bracket-
            vide significant income. French wine-  coastline north of Toulon to our first des-  ed by rows of gold and red vines float-
            makers focus on farming the land and   tination in Cassis, Clos d’Albizzi.   ing in a sea of dainty white flowers, a
            hand off their products to middlemen                                  tall man dressed in blue mechanic’s

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