Page 79 - wadirum
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                                            F          or a few seconds, I was back   Much of the Gower is held by Britain’s

                                                                                National Trust, which owns about 10
                                                       home in San Diego looking
                                                       up the coast from the cliffs
                                                                                percent of the peninsula, keeping de-
                                                       of Torrey Pines.
                                                                                velopers at bay. Secluded beaches, rocky
                                                                                promontories and historic sites are part
                                            In front and a bit above of me, paraglid-  of the Trust’s domain.
                                            ers rode the currents in their aerial bal-
                                            let. Beyond, and somewhat lower was an  Another protector watches over the
                                            expanse of broad sandy beach – virtually   Gower. The Gower Society sponsors
                                            empty – arcing to the left for three miles   hikes along the many trails, and helped
                                            with the sea gently sweeping in.    create the Gower Path, a 60-mile hiking
                                                                                trail covering coast and inland areas.
                                            And, what were those specks in the wa-
                                            ter on this glorious summer afternoon?  But for surfers, the Gower’s unspoiled
                                            Surfers!                            coast is the premier destination in Wales.

                                            But the plaintive baa-ing of sheep nearby  “It’s touch and go whether you’ll get per-
                                            soon broke my spell, as did the expanse   fect waves if you come to the Gower, but
                                            of dense gorse, an underbrush so thick   there are a few characters to meet, the
                                            that it is an impenetrable refuge for   night life in Mumbles is classic – and
                                            birds and other wildlife. Not to mention   the sheep are friendly,” said Carwyn Wil-
                                            the lush green coastal plateau.     liams, a veteran surfer from the nearby
                                                                                community of Mumbles.
                                            This, then, was the tip of Gower Penin-
                                            sula of South Wales, running roughly  That said, there’s plenty of surfing action
                                            seven miles across by 14 miles long. The   along the peninsula. The crowd clusters
                                            Gower, as it is known, is Britain’s first   at PJ’s Surf Shop in Llangennith.
                                            Area of Outstanding Beauty, proclaimed
                                            by government decree in 1956. No one  At remote Rhossili, the end of the road,
                                            need ask why.                       there’s a National Trust interpretative
                                                                                center, a pub and hotel, art gallery and
                                             “Gower is unlike the rest of South Wales,”  a few homes. In 2011, a world’s Skinny
                                            said Blue Badge guide Bill O’Keefe, who   Dipping record was set here when 400
                                            leads tourists along the byways and   naked people ran into the surf as part of
                                            through the sites of a magical land well   a cancer fund-raising effort.
                                            on the way to recovering from the ecolog-
                                            ical ravages of unrestrained coal-mining.           Up from the beach is Rhossili Rectory,
                                            Here, however, the scars of mining were   a former parsonage that the Trust now
                                            mercifully avoided. Left instead is an   rents to overnight visitors.
                                            area of primal beauty now protected by
                                            government and community watchdogs.  The Gower is a naturalist’s mecca, full of

                                            Sheep grazing on a pasture overlooking the
                                            Gower Peninsula coastline.

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