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hiking trails, interesting geologic forma-  Dylan Thomas, who grew up in nearby   I had struck a traveler’s bargain here –
            tions and a profusion of birds and other  Swansea, described the enduring scene   finding a poet’s lair in this setting that
            animals  as  well  as  historical  sites  dat-  some years before his death in 1953:  is as much a part of the territory as
            ing back thousands of years. There are                                the protected bays and buffeted coastal
            Bronze and Stone Age ritual and burial  “Laughing on the cliff above the very long   headlands that mark the Gower.
            sites and hints of smugglers' roosts.  golden beach, we pointed out to each
                                               other,  as though the  other  were blind,  Now, it was time for a conversion – tak-
            Turning around from my beach overlook,  the great rock of the Worms Head. The   ing a half-hour ride to Mumbles, a sea-
            I took in Worms Head, a mile-long rocky   sea was out. We crossed over on slipping   front community in the city of Swansea
            outcrop jutting into the sea that is acces-  stones and stood, at last, triumphantly   with trendy hotels, bars and an old-style
            sible to hikers by a causeway only during   on the windy top. There was monstrous,  pier. You can base yourself in the many
            low tide. When the tide is in, all that can   thick  grass  there  that  made  us  spring-  rustic B&Bs of the rural Gower but, for
            be seen is the “head and humped coils”  heeled and we laughed and bounced on   the action, Mumbles is the place.
            of what looks to be a worm.        it, scaring the sheep who ran up and
                                               down the battered sides like goats.”  “The  infamous  ‘Mumbles  Mile’  seems
            The late Welsh poet and playwright                                    to have as many pubs, nightclubs and

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