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or two to realize we had actually witnessed a IF YOU GO
calving, something I had read about, but never
thought we would experience. Check out Un-Cruise Adventures (www.un-
Chalk “calving” off my bucket list! for information on boutique ad-
venture cruises through various regions of
That night, as our ship sailed back to Juneau, Alaska, as well as other destinations around
we celebrated our festive farewell dinner. the world.
Champagne glasses were raised in a salute to a Learn more about Juneau’s attractions at the
remarkable journey. There was a communal ca- Juneau Convention & Visitors Bureau (www.
maraderie in the dining room, fueled no doubt the official resource for
by our collective experience in together discov- comprehensive visitor information on the city
ering the still untouched wilderness of Alaska. and surrounding area.
I’ll never forget standing on the deck outside For the flight of a lifetime over Alaska’s magnif-
our berth that night, hand-in-hand with Tony. icent glaciers, coupled with a succulent fresh
The heavenly sky in this wilderness defies de- salmon bake, contact Taku Glacier Lodge &
scription. Without any external lights to mar Flightseeing (
its glory, the night sky above was a jet black Goldbelt Mt. Roberts Tram information can
globe peppered with glowing stars and constel- be researched at www.mountrobertstramway.
lations of an amazing clarity, rimmed by the com
majestic Alaskan mountains that provided a Juneau Restaurant Pick: Though it is a bit off
perfect frame for that memorable scene. the beaten track (just a few blocks uphill from
Juneau’s restaurant row), SALT (www.saltalas-
Now that I think about it, “mystical” is, without offers creative and unique Alaskan
doubt, the right word to describe this extraor- cuisine in a chic modern setting.
dinary adventure.
Wine Dine & Travel 2016 95