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                                       the gracious traveler

                                 Etiquette Expert’s 10 Tips to Make Flying More Enjoyable

                            ith airports and airplanes packed to   Be respectful of those around you. Airplane seating is
                            capacity, flying isn’t always the most   tight and interaction with your seatmates is inevitable. Keep
                            pleasant way to go.  Etiquette expert   the volume of your headphones at an appropriate level and
            Jacqueline Whitmore, founder of The ProtocSchool of   lower the light on your electronic devices so you don’t disturb
            Palm Beach and a former flight attendant, offers these 10   or distract the person next to you.
            tips to have a more enjoyable flight:
                                                                  Bring your own food. Don’t depend on the airline to offer
            Check in online and arrive early. Most airlines allow you   food for sale. Many don’t offer more than peanuts or pretzels.
            to check in online within 24 hours of departure.  This will   Bring some snacks from home or buy something in the airport
            save time at the airport. Give yourself plenty of extra time   to hold you over until you reach your destination. Stay hydrat-
            in case you encounter airport parking difficulties, long   ed with plenty of bottled water. Steer clear of packing pungent
            lines at security checkpoints, or an oversold flight situa-  foods that contain garlic and onions.
            tion.  Arrive at the gate
            at least 30 minutes prior                                                        Pack the Pepto. To be on
            to departure to avoid get-                                                       the safe side, tuck some
            ting bumped.  Prior plan-                                                        Pepto-Bismol into your
            ning helps relieve stress.                                                       suitcase, especially when
                                                                                             you travel overseas. For-
            Book    your    travel                                                           eign food and water may
            during off-peak times.                                                           cause an upset stomach,
            You’ll avoid the crowds                                                          which can ruin a holiday.
            and  save  money  if  you
            travel during late night or                                                      Allow those  in front  of
            early morning hours. You                                                         you to disembark first.
            may have to give up an                                                           Rather than grab your lug-
            extra hour or two of sleep,                                                      gage and make a run for
            but you can always rest                                                          the door, follow protocol.
            on the plane.                                                                    If you need to make a con-
                                                                                             nection or know you’ll be
            Don’t pack more than                                                             in a rush, try to arrange to
            you can lift. The number                                                         be seated near the front of
            one  pet  peeve of flight                                                        the plane.
            attendants is passengers who bring carry-on luggage too
            heavy for them to lift. Don’t expect the flight attendant to   Hold your tongue. If you have a complaint about another
            lift your bag into the overhead bin. If you pack it, you stack   passenger, don’t take matters into your own hands and don’t
            it. Or flight attendants will be happy to check it for you. Be   demand that the plane land at the nearest airport. Alert the
            mindful that some airlines also charge for checked luggage.  flight attendant.

            Check before you recline. Airline seats recline to allow   Parents, be prepared.  When babies cry uncontrollably in
            passengers to sleep and relax, but it may cause discomfort   flight it’s probably because their ears hurt from the air pres-
            for the person behind you. If you intend to recline your   sure. It’s a good idea for parents to be prepared with a bottle
            seat, do it gently or better yet, turn around and make sure   or a pacifier or something to make their children swallow and
            you don’t inconvenience the person behind you. Raise your   relieve ear pressure.  And remember: smell travels.  Parents
            seat during mealtime so the person behind you can enjoy   should not wait until the plane takes off to change their baby’s
            his or her meal.                                     diaper. Change your child’s diaper in the lavatory – not on the
                                                                 seat beside you.

                                              Cartoonpublished with the permission from
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