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La Boqueria, derived from the Catalan word     languages. Tiny tapas bars lined both sides of the
            “boc” meaning goat, began as an open-air market to  aisles, all seats occupied. I stopped in my tracks for a
            sell goatmeat in 1217. Pigs replaced goats in 1470,  fewsecondstoobservehowtoorder.Orderingamul-
            and the market acquired the name Mercadi Bornet.   titude of small dishes followed the same method as
            The landmark underwent various permutations, in-   ordering sushi: point, order, and eat!
            cluding Mercat de Palla, or Straw Market in 1794, un-  Samplinglocalfarewasmymainfocus,butwhere
            til the final structure, much as it stands today, saw the  to start? I avoided the mob handing over euros above
            light in 1853. La Boqueria is now a Barcelona land-  oversized impaled chocolate covered strawberries,
            mark,aswellasitslargestfoodmarket,andwelcomes      and penetrated into the depths of this gastronomic
            40,000 visitors a day.                             kingdom where picture-perfect food stalls have been
                My senses were on high alert as I crossed under  inthesamefamilyforgenerations.Pastthecrush,the
            the ornate archway into the culinary heart of this  crowd pushed me towards an edible tableau of curly
            thriving Mediterranean port city. A constant ebb and  links of salchichones (a sort of lunch meat infused
            flow of hungry tourists jostled like corpuscles along  with cinnamon), firm chorizo links redolent of smoky
            La Boqueria’s main arteries, holding forth in Spanish,  pimentón, and airdried pork botillo. Above me, quar-
            Catalan, Japanese, Italian and other unrecognizable  ters of the dried Spanish ham known as jamon iberico

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