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into a hotel and tour the Gothic Cathedral of       rounding plains. And in Miravet, another artistic
        Santa Maria, which hunkers above a compact          enclave filled with painters, potters, sculptors and
        labyrinth of tunnels used as a bomb shelter during  photographers, we march up steep streets flanked
        the Spanish Civil War. Following a steamy morn-     by terraced stone houses to the ruins of a 12th
        ing’s ride on the Via Verde to Pinell de Brai, we   century Knights Templar fortress, offering a spec-
        feast on octopus, local cheese, cured meats and     tacular panorama of the river’s serpentine path
        fresh cherries washed down with swoon-inducing      below.
        wines at the soaring Wine Cathedral, an Art Nou-        But when I think back on this trip, it’s the
        veau brick and stone edifice housing a restaurant,  memory of the placid blue bay of El Fangar that
        the Pagos de Hibera winery, and a museum of         will serve as my favorite souvenir—a mental post-
        wine-making.                                        card of a place where the sea melts into the sky
            In the medieval hilltop town of Horta de Sant   like a maritime mirage. Although I won’t soon for-
        Joan, where Picasso invented Cubism—and where       get the ache in my backside either, perhaps per-
        replicas of his works fill a small museum—we’re     manently imprinted with the outline of my bike
        rewarded with views of the craggy mountains of      seat now. Next time, I’m plumping for padded
        Els Ports National Park, punctuating the sur-       shorts, even if I do look like a Lycra-clad sausage.

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