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We proceeded northward and arrived at Copper   bundled now against the wind and spray. The
            Harbor, which is about as far up Keweenaw Peninsula  stones on the beach were copper-colored, which
            you can go before you drop off land’s end into the lake.  seemed appropriate. We peered northward to-
            Copper Harbor is an embarkation point for Isle Royale  ward the horizon, beyond which lay Canada. And
            National Park, near Lake Superior’s north shore and  through the swirling mist we could make out the
            closer to Canada. The park is home to moose and   ghostly image of a freighter plodding through the
            wolves,andhasthedistinctionofbeingtheleast-visited  storm, barely visible against the gossamer hori-
            of the national parks in the contiguous 48 states, be-  zon.
            causeitissoinaccessible.WecouldseeCopperHarbor       We had reached the end of our road. We were
            Lighthouse, a stately brick structure that is so isolated  satisfied that we had achieved our objective and
            it is hardly accessible by either land or sea.    then some. We had no choice now but to go back
               We soon found ourselves on a small pro-        to where we came from after what was indeed a
            tected beach littered with pebbles. We were       Superior experience.

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