P. 127

A hand-operated raft skims the surface of
                                                                  Kitch-Iti-Kipi, a giant spring and one of the
                                                                  Upper Peninsula’s hidden gems.

            20 people and is propelled by a human-powered wheel  National Wildlife Refuge, a 95,000-acre preserve that
            attached to a cable that spans the lake from shoreline to  servesashometomorethan250birdandanimalspecies,
            shoreline, a distance less than a football field.  andwherewesawabaldeagleandafamilyoftrumpeter
               The wonder is what lies beneath. As the raft   swans.
            skimmed the surface we peered through a glass bottom  But we were on a quest for autumn color and were
            inthecenteroftheboat.Aswegazeddownwecouldsee      determinedtoachieveourgoal.Soweheadedwestward
            dozens of fish – trout, we were told – drifting dreamily  to Keweenaw Peninsula, which juts northward like a de-
            between us and the lake bottom. And on the bottom we  fiant thumb toward the heart of Lake Superior.
            could see the source of the spring bubbling from the  This wind-blown spit of land had been a treasure
            floor, like a tea kettle roiling 45 feet below. The entire  trove of copper for many decades, producing tons of the
            scene – water, fish and spring floor – glowed in an eerie  precious metal to fuel Michigan’s economy. But the cop-
            green light, like liquid emerald.                 per mines played out long ago, and evidence of that de-

               Therearemanyotherattractionsinthiscentralpart  cline is common, from abandoned mine shafts to
            of the Upper Peninsula, including Fayette Historic State  deserted houses.
            Park, which preserves a 19th-century iron-smelting op-  But Keweenaw Peninsula is not blighted. Michigan
            eration,oneofMichigan’slargestinitsheyday,andSeney  Technical University is located in Houghton, a former

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